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Avatar Magic, By Gerald Franquemont, is now on Kindle and it can be downloaded onto most computers and reading devices.)

Employment recovery in America looks rough with no costly OSHA regulations protecting workers abroad and with wages in some countries at less than 1 buck an hour. I think we need a CCC government-run type of effort to rebuild our infrastructure,,,and a mandatory inclusion into this work force for everyone getting checks for free from our government as long as they are medically qualified to work. And as radical as it sounds I agree with those who state that Pot should be legalized if for no other reason than for the economics of doing so. Clearly any kind of legislated contraction of spending at this point in the USA  will only bring us to where most of European country’s are now-with unemployed mothers, fathers, sons and daughters protesting their lot on the streets.

We need the fairest way to collect more revenue put in place, hoping that expansion (when it happens) will help there some too–and the point of taxing the rich( a bit more) and closing off shore tax loop holes are also well taken. Donkey or Elephant, neither turns around easily, and our economy is no different.

Of course it is The Progressive’s idea to reap revenues from the rich, an idea that conservatives used to find disturbing. But in truth it is now difficult to find a rock in place that is not taxed for keeping still in America, and all political bents of power have helped create the tax structures we have in place within America today. What tax structure has helped our society the most is the question, and what kind of tax structure are we talking about?

If we talk about Progressives we have to zero in on FDR’s Administration. It was in 1932 that FDR raised taxes on the rich (then earners of over 100,000 per year) to 63% of earned income, and then again in 1935 to 79% , only to follow with increases on up to 94% in 1940. FDR’s simple truth was that World WAR cost tons, and each American was asked to fork over a boat load of money to help bear that cost burden and to keep America fiscally sound.

Here’s a quote from the article I’ve linked to below, one I should add that does not favor increased taxation:

“For the first time in U.S. history, the redistributionists dominated political life. For example, on the Senate floor on May 14, 1943, Senator Happy Chandler (D-KY) said, “All of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have–and that is the basis of obligation–and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it.” Chandler wanted to be clear on this point. “The government,” he added, “can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

It is scarey to read some of this right? But the government is charged to protect our Life, liberty and pursuit of property. Who is to say what the cost of this protection might be? Let’s look more into the history of taxation in America.

What happened during this time of The Great Taxation of the rich and working class in America is that we built The Hoover Dam; we built the foundations for the endless road ways and bridges most of us still enjoy driving over today; we cleaned up America’s National Parks; we won a world war; we pulled America out of The Great Depression and began what can now be seen to be America’s greatest period in Middle Class recovery so far within America’s history to date. But just as charts, graphs and gobble-De-gook can be made to win at scrabble by our social medias these accomplishments can be made to look like revenue producing failures(Just read the article below to gather all of this in).  When it comes to raising taxes on the wealthy in this country what I say is this: the proof is in the pudding.

Clinton continued Reagan’s roll back on taxation, but with a balanced approach. The tax slashing policies of George Bush Jr. that followed have been a disaster for middle class Americans, and not one that wasn’t foreseen BTW. The loss of tax revenues, the effects of deregulation and the cost associated with off shore loop holes , along with a costly and ill-advised war, could only have led to the problems we still work with today as Americans.  And maybe if the media had allowed this so-called  Great Recession to be called yet another Second Great Depression we’d all realize that this IS the time for all Americans to up their antes to our Government, that is  if we ever hope to recover after falling over this man-made fiscal cliff.

Will taxing the rich to death help America: of course not. It’s a balanced approach that will help the USA keep its footing while standing near the fiscal cliff.

There is so much more to discuss when it comes to how to avert the well advertised “fiscal cliff” America now is said to face. I feel certain this labeling is just a ruse to scare people into allowing yet again another down grade of the middle class worker’s living circumstance. For one, I do favor the idea of taxing all forms of gas emissions from the ground, to processing plants and then to homes, cars and shops. All this to raise the estimated 1.5 trillion dollars in revenue this type of policy might bring, and I think this kind of taxation might encourage clean power development in the USA.

Either way we choose to go I am but one man who writes this blog, and you who read it are many (thankfully). It’s your ideas on this subject I am most interested in reading about. But I can’t help but thank the reader who read this blog from Ireland today-I got a big kick out of seeing this country listed on today’s list of readers.

What are your ideas on how to improve America’s economy?


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November 2012
