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Letter is written by:

Kelly Shiohira
M.S.Ed, University of Pennsylvania


Kelly is our oldest daughter. I thought this FB note that she posted today to be an excellent post election letter……enjoy.

“A Consolation Letter to All My Friends and Family,

Hi guys. So, this was a long, drawn-out, emotional battle on both fronts and I’m sure (while my moderate conservative, socially liberal friends are feeling GREAT) some you guys must be feeling pretty down right now. But I have a few thoughts that might cheer you up, depending on why you voted for Romney.

To my “Romney would be better for the economy” friends and family:
Maybe. But maybe not. Let’s be honest, there are difficult economic decisions coming up no matter who is President. Individually, we can all do our part by being thoughtful and resourceful in difficult times, supporting each other and the people who need it. And if you have ideas for improving the economy, toss it around with your friends, write letters, and see what you can get done.

To my military friends and family:
Ok, so you didn’t get another 15 warships and “aggression” against Iran. But you did get a man who wants 9 more warships, no indication that military spending is going to be cut significantly, a new manhunt, and a President who believes you are a valuable necessity. Not all bad.

To my “I voted for Romney because Obama supports abortion” friends and family:
Don’t worry, Obama doesn’t actually “support” abortion. He just also doesn’t support government control over this very personal, difficult decision. He’s more in the “I trust the American people with this” camp. He might not get rid of Planned Parenthood, but he’s also not going to get rid of the Pro-Life campaigns, which means you guys can keep this argument where it belongs by informing individual women of their options and supporting them through difficult times. Get out there and get to work. And by the way, I support you in your endeavors, too.

To my “I don’t/can’t support gay marriage”, “He’s BLACK!”, and “Oh no! Immigrants!” friends and family:
Please, please reconsider your views on these issues.
-Yes, Obama is black. That really doesn’t matter. He’s highly rational, intelligent, and working very hard for our country. Please recognize that.
-Why are you afraid of immigrants? If you are worried they are taking your jobs, please think about what it is that makes you less competitive in the job market. Recognize that the American economy is based on competition – that’s what job applications and the free market itself is all about. If you can’t compete, look at yourself more carefully and do what you need to do to fix that.
-Finally, what is the danger in gay marriage? Please really, really think about it. Does it really affect you personally if this is permitted? Who/what are you defending with this belief, and does that entity really need your defense? If so, why?

To my truly liberal, socialist, and/or environmentalist/conservationist friends and family:
Sorry. Obama is not really the President you want. On the one hand, you can expect further investments in solar and wind energy (because rationally, these investments make sense), but you can also expect US oil production boosts and a continued exploration into other avenues of energy production, including natural gas and nuclear power (because rationally, these investments also make sense). You won’t see significant decreases in military or defense spending, and you can expect more conservative compromises in the future. But you may also see Guantanamo finally close, continued health care reforms and adjustments, and further infrastructure investments.

Kelly”… thanks Kelly  for your insight and for taking the time to express yourself-


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