I’ve complained a lot about the obstructionists in Congress who have blocked Obama’s attempts to get our economy moving with Job Acts. But then I came across this list of accomplishments that can be fairly attributed to President Obama’s Administration! Wow–this man has gotten it done. Here’s the list

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act-Equal pay for women;
Children’s Health Insurance Program;
2009 Stimulus bill;
Ordered kill of Somali Pirates;
Eased restrictions on Cuba;
Serve America Act;
Fraud Enforcement Act;
Federal funding of stem cell research;
Credit Card Act;
Matthew Shepard Act;
Student Aid Act;
Wall Street Reform Act;
Rescue of the US automobile industry;
Health insurance reform;
Timetables for bringing our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan;
Extension of unemployment compensation;
An end to discrimination against homosexuals in the military;
Assisted in the overthrow of Gaddafi, at no loss of American life;
Dismantled Al Qaeda to a shadow of its former self;
Fair Sentencing Act;
Small Business Jobs Act;
Veterans’ Benefit Act;
2010 Tax & Jobs Compromise;
Food Safety Modernization Act;
New START Treaty;
US Forces Kill Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan;
America Invents Act;
War in Iraq ended with last American troops crossing border into Kuwait;
Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Credit;
 First President to publicly support the legalization of same sex marriage;
12 straight quarters of GDP growth;
32 straight months of private sector job growth;
 Stock market (DJI) climbed from 8,279.63 1/9/2009 to 13,334.97 10/11/2012

There may more great accomplishments to add here, but this is quite a list!
