Avatar Magic, By Gerald Franquemont, is now on Kindle and it can be downloaded onto most computers and reading devices.)

One question both political sides face is how to deal with an entire group of people who feel entitled to a monthly check, and who want more and more: this is a huge problem in this country? Yes, we need a system in place that makes these people to do some sort of work for our society rather than pick up a check or receive one in the mail. Again as I’ve written before , we need a mandatory enrollment in a CCC corp for all those who are fit to work in lieu of them getting free checks. No one rides for free.

I worked a short stint for HRS here in Florida, the benefits department, and left because the cases I had made me want to puke. Here’s one thought within this ongoing system of subsidy–people who get school lunches free(that is paid for by tax payers) for their kids now ask us to give their children presents for Christmas and food when school is out since they can’t feed their kids! How about stop having kids you can’t afford to feed or to celebrate??? The middle class has to family plan within their means, and most do–why is it so off the charts to talk about family planning for those who ask us to pay their family’s way?

The recent rant that Obama doesn’t value our soldiers or our US consulates is a boat load of crapola…give me a break,,,what a stupid thing to put out there, hoping to hit that emotional nerve of misunderstanding..it’s stuff like this  people put out over and over hoping to get that emotional response knee jerk reaction from people before they can think about it. Really? Obama doesn’t value our soldiers past and present? Really? Huh,Huh? So stupid.

Another constant debate is over Obamacare, and I’ve no idea why Obama’s campaign hasn’t flipped the outrage over this policy into the slogan that “Obama Cares!” Anyway if you are a family making less than $250,000 a year then you will not see your taxes go up, once you take time to read the bottom lines. It is all here, and yes it is convoluted, confusing and not easily read but this is federal Law: what do you expect!?!? http://www.factcheck.org/2012/07/twisting-health-care-taxes//

For us working folks maybe it is enough to say that yes, The Supreme Court found that, “the federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance( but it can impose a tax).” And that international studies show countries who offer working people national health care have workers who live happier and live longer than do Americans at this time.

Here’s an interesting point about why we don’t hear too much about Obamacare from either candidate: previously, Romney has defended the law he signed when governor of Massachusetts, called by some Romneycare, which included a similar individual mandate on a state level.(As Obama’s National health care bill). While Republicans have been vocal about pointing to the penalty being termed a tax, Romney’s campaign has been careful to avoid being drawn into a comparison on the point.( He did the same thing as Governor)

Certainly our history lessons are skewed, and perhaps every country does the same to different degrees? But in the end  Americans get to vote and to make a difference( for now).  I am a supporter of Obama. I simply can’t imaging another President who has done so much with so little and in the face of so much opposition. Obstructionists have used filibusters more times in congress against President Obama than it has ever been used before in all our past administrations combined!!!!!

And according to Romney’s recent campaign speeches it is  the Republicans who have Ecology in their hearts and minds??? Is this Animal Farm or something? And we’ll get leaders in Education from the GOP???? They cut educational budgets as much as possible-see when Bush Jr was Governor of Texas that Texas had the lowest funded educational budget in these United States! I hear Romney say that The GOP is for our workers??? What?! They support Union busting left and right, and with wages being high or low, or back room deals being made or not, the issue here is the GOP consistently says the workers don’t need or have a right to have a voice at the table for negotiations within the work place!

And for the record: Unions need to acquire benefits for part-time workers; at least 1/2 benefits for 1/2 full-time makes sense.

f Obama does win, or if Romney does win, Wars will happen as our military deems them to be necessary; politician’s will remain in the pockets of those with money;  some socialist programs will remain in effect and some open market ideas will remain too. But the middle class will work like dogs, for very little savings either way. But  Head’s UP! To the point of Women’s rights I believe there is a lot at stake depending upon which party wins this election. Yes I hated it when Bush JR. was President, but I survived 8 years of it, and if Obama wins you will too….though fishing would be more fun than standing behind filibusters made by either side.:-)
