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Avatar Magic, By Gerald Franquemont, is now on Kindle and it can be downloaded onto most computers and reading devices.)

From what World do GOP leaders come from? Their speaking points uttered by the mouths of the partying I suspect too hard rich class are from the outer reaches of The Great Beyond Oblivious Zones, ones that here-to-for were never thought to exist.

The most recent proposition from Boehner is an outrageous affront to voting Americans. For the second time in a little over 4 years the American people clearly, not nearly, approved of President’s agendas and positions. Some of these positions include raising taxes on the rich, or allowing the disastrous tax breaks for the wealthy scheme presented by Ex President Bush (very) Jr. to expire, and to leave the middle classes’ security nets alone, including Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security. These are the mandates Americans voiced their approval of by way of using their sacred voting right during the last Presidential election; these are the very same agendas and policy platforms the losing Republicans ran against for the second Presidential Election in a row. Duh, dumb and dumber is the recent, like today, move by the GOP to insist that their ideas are the ones that should be followed.

What clearly comes to mind when I think of ideas that are bogus is the GOP’s pretentious claim/ idea that our leaders should cut  middle class Social Security Pension start dates, and gut Medicare and Medicaid benefits while not raising tax rates on the rich. These are wonderfully ludicrous ideas, and just another attempt by the GOP to obstruct any real progress that might otherwise be made if they would only stop insisting on being the hole in the dike of reason.  Our Government is meant to be led by the WILL of the American People, the same people who ,once again , just re-elected President Obama AND his Platforms for a second time.

My letter:

Dear Mr. President

President Obama, these double talking, back stabbing, disciples of the rich like Boehner are jack-asses, so don’t let them make one out of you.There is NO movement from the GOP towards a middle ground in the proposals they presented this week at all. Period, end of story. We need a President who can stand above the slime and shovel away the horse shit that’s being slung around  our Capital. Just today the GOP, the party who filibustered you  during your last 4 year term more times than the filibuster has ever been used in all of American history combined, has again attempted to violate their public trust by creating yet another outrageous ruse of politik speak……..

Thank You Mr. President for not listening to the GOP; please listen to the voters.


An American Voter.

End of my letter.

From a wire news source printed today:

“In a scathing attack, Republican leader Mitch McConnell said, “if the president is serious about joining us in an effort to reduce the deficit and protect the economy, he’ll get off the campaign trail, drop the left-wing talking points, and instruct his staff to negotiate a solution in good faith-based on actual written proposals. In short, he’ll begin doing what leaders do: Lead.”

Here’s a truthful answer to the above BS:

Mitch McConnell if you are serious about making an effort to reduce the deficit and protect the economy you’ll get off your jacked, lying partisan effort to thwart every bill our newly RE-elected President proposes; you’ll stop showing a total disregard for the Will of the American People as was expressed by the last election and stop babbling crap out of your pie-hole; you’ll instruct your staff to listen to the Will of the American People and negotiate a real solution to solving the current fiscal crisis(never was a cliff BTW) and stop trying to cut the workers of this country off at our chops. In short  near-sighted GOP members of the losing party need to recognize that YOU JUST  LOST  the Presidential election for a second time in a row and for good reason. And as the losing , Losers AGAIN, party you should do what losers do: FOLLOW.

Did I mention anywhere in this post that the current GOP party leaders are mostly a bunch of dumb asses who do not put America first, but only care about what’s in their wallets? You know white men can jump, and my advice to President Obama is to step lightly over the so called fiscal cliff if these obstructionist GOP party members insist that the Will of The American Voters should not be followed. That way Democrats can hang  yet another buffoonery jawing busting posturing disaster on the GOP and laugh while that party loses by many, many more votes in the next Presidential Election.

Here’s a list of the GOP members (some of them) who signed this weeks latest attempt by their party to bleed the middle class to death:

“Signing the letter was Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee and the unsuccessful GOP vice presidential candidate. Rep. Dave Camp, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Fred Upton, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the Republican Conference chair, also signed the letter.”


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June 2024
