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It’s that time of year again and I’ve decided the scariest costume I can wear is myself. Hey, it’s a free costume so what’s not to like? Yep, I’m gonna go out there as a bald headed, near-sighted, long eared seventy year old specimen featuring wolf-man like nose hair—that should do it! One look at me and my fellow younger trick-or-treaters will know all of life is a mistake; it’s a one way road to ruin loaded down with wobbling turkey neck, mouth drool and very thick glasses.

I’m gonna answer my door this Halloween and place handbills into trick-or treat bags: “Look at me! This is what life gets ya!”

People like to set weird lighting effects around their doorstep for eerie effects for this special night. Me? I’m using bright lights with a beam on my face at the door. Then again, maybe I should lay outside on the lawn like a snoring dead-man—this could save on printing costs for the handbills and candy alike!

Me on the lawn-


It’s an odd day when the truth is the scariest thing of all!

BTW, my grandchildren drink blood..


(Okay, it’s dragon fruit.)

I know, I know, people with facial wrinkles like to say, “I’ve earned every one of them!” Thing is, if we’ve already paid the price for those wrinkles, why do we have to wear them for the rest of our life?  Okay, maybe facial wrinkles would be fun to see in the mirror for like a day or a week, but forever?!?!?

Of course, many facial lines are,”laugh wrinkles,” as they say. “Cheer up!” they say! Okay, I’m asking: what was so funny back then to be worth this now? And, I wonder, if I keep laughing will my face eventually fall off. Anything is possible at this point.

Mom used to say I’d go blind if I kept that up but back in the day I guess arms fell off first! This is why so many statues from antiquity have no arms.

Image result for greek statue whose head or arms have fallen off

No one told this guy, and then it was too late.

What is it about wrinkles anyway? I’ve never seen a bird, rabbit, cat or dog have wrinkles!

So, why do people wrinkle? Is it a warning to others that a rotting corpse is still walking?  “Look out! This mistake still has feet!”

Nope, dogs don’t wrinkle; even mice don’t wrinkle! You’d think Mankind might have figured old age out better than a mouse by this  point in time!


Sometimes, I sit in my chair watching birds and wonder what the hell happened?!?!?

But, do I really regret being seventy? No—as long as I can have 50 years back I’m good. “Okay the joke is over; now lets get back to being 20!” I don’t recall making a deal about this aging thing: I want a lawyer. And, please, not  trump’s, ‘I only hire the best people,’ Giuliani. I’ll be selling wrinkles forever if this is the case.

I need to sail free of age like Caspar the ghost—I need to earn wrinkles that fly away: it’s Halloween after all.

Special!! Here’s a 20 second video of me putting up a Halloween Bulletin Board at work.

To be honest, things are looking up for me and my buddies; I think the tide is turning! But, it won’t be high tide, right?

Just hanging with my gang.

Do I regret being older than dirt? Of course not! I hate it!!!  Oh, I know,  I wouldn’t be who I am today if not for all my years of life! And, you might miss me if you stumble upon a random rock, fall into a pile of dog shit and think…”Oh yes, there was that guy who wrote a glob about this!* Whatever happened to him?” (So, you see, I could matter in certain situations, maybe.)

I finally realized this guy is wondering where his clothes are!

If clothes can be wrinkle free, why not people? Scientists need to be working on making people come through this drying out life process wrinkle free…

Fortunately, we never lose our energy.

Happy Halloweenie me. I’m looking perfect for the part.

In the meantime….maybe ramble thru the last ten years of globs I’ve written… some of them are spookier than me.


  • I never did.
  •  Barbara sent me this today…..

    Non Sequitur 10/31/2019



(If you happen to find an advertisement at the bottom of this post please know that this ad has nothing to do with me but it is only’s random selection to help fund their world-wide site.)Franque23.


It’s tough. We plow through week after week, day after day, showing up in a building full of fantastic books, stuffed full of computers, cds and dvd’s. Program after program, for preschool on up to adult, on and on we schedule, host, perform, plan, scheme and organized. Welcome to my world at the Alachua County Library District.  How do any of us survive?

One of my hardest tasks is keeping track of my working group. One day I’ve a perfectly normal(almost) person working by my side, the next day they’ve morphed into a pumpkin, cat, something red, a witch or worse. Who could put up with that? Here I am , forced to leave my home and  enter  a world of stories, costumes, smiles, set design and play productions and so much more…

Just today I ran into a typical work drag of a day.

When will the madness stop!

When will the madness stop!

All wanted line-up.

All wanted line-up.

And all because we hope everyone will…….


Admittedly, some days here at the Library are just red letter days-

The real Red Team winners......

The real Red Team winners……

Even Pirate day turns into a sweat shop of a day….


But this work week is all about Halloweenie…here and at home…My Grand kids are up for it!!!!”Not more candy!!!” They yell!

1379724_10202068222252130_183425420_n 1382264_10202068222292131_1505913232_n

Oh, and here’s another spooky thought. Book two of Avatar Magic, The Code of Avatar Magic,  is coming out soon on Kindle…Check out the cover

Got a spider web thingy going on, right?

Got a spider web thingy going on, right?(Cover design by Daniel Horack)

And from a year past

 See? It never ends here at the Library!

See? It never ends here at the Library!

Cheers and screams from our Library to you this Halloween.

You got a problem with that?

You got a problem with that?

Okay-here’s a free picture-

Sweat dreams!

Sweat dreams!

OH- I gotta go. there’s a patron coming up to the desk……

Wonder what this person wants?

Wonder what this person wants?

Franque23,,, whaaahahahahahhaaaaa…….

Avatar Magic, by Gerald Franquemont, is out on Kindle and it is downloadable onto most readers.)

Grandchildren are the reason we have kids. Oh, having children is nice for masochists and whatnots, but children you have to raise, grandchildren you get to praise.  I’m not saying I didn’t say a kind word or two to my kids as they grew up, but three words would be a stretch. Heck, after changing diapers for five years night and day, getting pee in the face,  risking my life in cub scout overnights, repairing girl scout camps on my birthday in the rain, hauling, storing, trying to sell and then having to buy one million boxes of girl scout cookies, flunking my kid’s seventh grade math test, blowing my fingernails off doing high school experiments again and again,  worrying all night wondering why my kid crawled out the window, who could forget paying for drivers insurance for 3 teenagers at the same time and finally, sort of, meeting their dates who I’d like to punch in the face(why wait) means my mind went blank years ago on who my kids really are, why I had them and where the rest of me might be found…

Then the Grandchildren started arriving. The skies cleared; worldwide doom and gloom seemed much further off than it had. Truth is, everything makes sense again. Things like why I let my kids live no longer keeps me up at night. Rome,  South America, even Russia seems so much further away-only yesterday plus several years I’d bought twelve one way tickets to each country. It’s true that I’ve already pulled my hair out but my grandchildren say, “Bald is beautiful, Bapa!”

And the Holidays-oh those joyous occasions. My family’s, “Don’t eat all your Halloween candy in one night” lecture has morphed into, “Eat all the candy you like dear; your parents will be picking you up soon.” Or phrases like, “How about ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner?” echoes off the walls of our kitchen. There’s nothing like stuffin’ a grandchild full of sugar and then watching them run in circles for an hour. Soon, I’ll put a lawn mower in front of them after the sugar overload and my work will be done here.

Just this week  our Grandchildren and us cranked out the craft box, picked out our pumpkins,  scooped out the innards, carved the faces, added a light inside, roasted the seeds with salt and had a Halloween ball of a time. Of course, we each shared our own kind of scary stories later that night.

We be happy---too much fun this year carving.
We be happy—too much fun this year carving.


This is actually this Grandson’s scary face…..


Our living room took on a new glow last night.

Now, some grandchildren are too young and they get their seasonal Holiday’s mixed up. Someone’s got Easter on her mind…..


This Grandchild, here at 3 weeks old, intends to rule the world. She’s begun this task by training her parents to service her every need, smile, squeak, fart and worse…..Crazy thing is, I wish I was there to help with that.

Okay, the truth. No one had as much fun with their own kids as I did.  I love my kids, in fact, all children, maybe that’s why I work in the children’s department in the Alachua County Library.

And so many fun times at the library-like magic binocular day!

And so many fun times at the library-like magic binocular day!

 We get to do stuff Kids would like to do. All you older folks should join us and dress up this Halloween...Make a time of it.

We get to do stuff Kids would like to do. All you older folks should join us and dress up this Halloween…Make a time of it.

Some say I’ve never truly grown up.  Me? I just don’t ever plan on getting cranky. Age is an honor.  In our house we’ve honored every single year we’ve had. “Look honey-Laura just spilled my drink! Isn’t that neat? How did she ever manage that?” We duck walked into the bathroom at night to brush our teeth; we chanted our names as we marched together around the outside of our house for no particular reason; we tickled; tricked;comforted; walked in the snow; fished; camped; stepped in puddles on purpose; did art work; read a zillion books; dressed up for church; cooked, cleaned and learned about life as a family. Simply, there’s nothing like having children, and Grandchildren ratchets the best experience life can offer into a whole new sphere of happiness.

Here’s to pumpkin faces everywhere! Remember: you could be one too-I don’t care what your so-called age.

Cheers from happyville.  A great poet once wrote that happiness is a choice.  Make the right one for your life this Halloween and always. If you don’t have children, make one smile and don’t forget to smile with them. These are the good ol’ days for every age.


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May 2024
