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Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s doctor is the most important person in the world.

From every Conservative and Liberal Democrat: ” Ruth, please stay alive. We need your vote on the Supreme Court.”

If someone told me one year ago that I’d be praying for North Korea’s, Kim Jong-Un, to save the world I would have jumped from a high-speed train…

About those high-speed trains. Thank God America isn’t going full speed ahead on these. The old timey engines that huffed and puffed all that black coal smoke into the air are so much more nostalgic.

Also- about all that coal we love, I do miss the acid rains up north. It did wonders to clean up our road surfaces with pot holes while stripping those damn green forests bare! How else can we kill those evergreens?

As the saying goes—You can’t see the forest through the sticks…

So what about the Roses? Okay. I bought a tea rose-bush and planted it for my brother, Ed, when he died in 2004. Year after year deer would eat the bush down to the ground, but it kept coming back to bloom a scentless rose now and then. I kept watering the miserable always eaten failure of a rose none-the-less.

This year a completely different sort of bush sprang from the roots! Long thorny vines stretched eight feet out with no apparent blooms coming. I figured this was the root-stock of the tea rose and it may not bloom at all. I thought about removing the thorny vines. I waited…and waited. Then boom! A mass of the most beautiful red roses came with a wonderful fragrance! More than 28 roses at one time dazzled my eyes and nose!  The point: if we keep trying as a society to get what we want something even more beautiful than what we imagined may come!


It almost seems if a politician speaks out against homosexuals, abortions, sex affairs or any kind of lust then we can assume they are speaking about their well lined closet full of, ‘hat’s they wear.’ Some politicians claim to hate gays, abortion and whores! What they really mean to say is, “I am gay but, still, I have several girl friends under sixteen who have had to abort my would-be kids, and whores are sent by God to comfort me during my time of trouble.”

Thing is, in a bizarre way, Trump being noticeably crazy just might make Kim tow the line. Even Kim Jong-Un doesn’t want to mess with a nut job! So, Trump may get world renown credit for being bat-crap crazy!!

Our educational system is a nightmare! The last election proved it! Who knows what might be elected if we dumb down the whole process a bit more! The gutter’s not even the limit!

Oh boy- privatized, ‘choice’ schools that ensure some schools will serve privileged (mostly white) kids while the other schools will not. This worked well before, right?

Here’s a tip, look at any old photo that mentions Negroes and substitute the words, the poor, or, not-white, for it and you’ll get an A+ on any current reading test.

The current Republican’s in control of Congress and the White House are not prejudice—they just don’t like anyone who isn’t white or male!

I think having a meeting of all white men decide about a woman’s right to birth control is a , ‘no-brainer….’Absolutely, no brains. 

(This photo is a real picture of the congressional committee that made the decision on Women’s Birth Control rights……count the women. Hint: what number comes before the number, 1?)

If we can just drill our national parks and heritage sites enough, people will stop going to them and we can save all that money we pay for park rangers. And that dollar figure is about a zillionth of 1 % of our Federal budget! Psst-say nothing about the oil and gas profits; repeat.

The lack of bank regulation broke the American housing market in 2008 and brought about a world-wide crash. It’s super leadership that ten years later our Republican led Congress has just voted to loosen banking regulations again.  After all, some people made a killing on the crash, while other’s just literally died with no savings, no houses and no health care.

About Universal Health Care—it’s a good thing we don’t go there. Those massive walls America has had to build the past twenty years to keep out people from other countries that do have Universal Health Care is breaking our bank!  Hordes of people from Canada, England, France, Australia and other countries with Universal Health Care are sneaking or swimming over to pay more for less health care! It’s a huge, bigly problem. Right?

Why have Universal Health Care when we can pay more for less health care and lose everything we have to health care costs IF we get to be old?

In the past two decades the longevity of Americans has decreased from 11th to 42nd in world-wide statistics. Maybe we don’t have to worry about old age health care after all!?! Whoopee.

233 Republican Representatives actually voted last week to steal 2.9 Trillion dollars from Social Security surplus funds so they could take the money and spend it on themselves and pork projects. Vote every one of them out.*

Here’s what I say: vote these bastards out of Congress in 2018 and free the White House in 2020.

And all minorities, liberals, thinkers of all kinds need to join these folks at the polls in 2018 and then again in 2020.

Twenty six and seven-year olds were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012; many more mass shootings  have occurred before and since this massacre.  Those high school kids are right: it’s way past time to talk about gun control. Of course, action speaks louder than words…





Welcome to a worst case scenario! America has a madman for President and a Congress that’s too weak, scared or down right too bad to use their power to stop him! The checks and balances written into our constitution that are so often trumpeted as points of brilliance have failed.  The Republicans control both houses and they refuse to stop a madman President while insisting on transferring what wealth the middle class workers have left to the rich and powerful. What a crap shoot.

This is not a drill or civics test: America’s constitution is under attack and it’s losing.

Trump has spent more than 83 million dollars of our tax money playing golf since his election*

The Republicans have wanted to end Social Security since its inception(1935) and they might well do it soon. This slithering snake of a party has often used the same tactic they are about to use against Social Security: steal or undercut a program’s money and then declare that program bankrupt! Our society swirls around in the potty while Republican’s keep flushing the handle.

How easily voters forget that the reason we have the so-called Obamacare in place is because private healthcare had failed our country miserably… Now this raft of rats in congress work to under fund Obamacare in hopes of returning to private healthcare. And, of course, this same bag of liars retains their own special healthcare above and beyond what middle class Americans will be forced to live or die with as we struggle to pay the bills.

Wow…’s all out war with no holds barred……sorry, but for a long time I’ve felt the Republican party members, for the most part, were not concerned with the truth or the welfare of America, only money motivates their agendas. I didn’t start this way, long ago I remember thinking Wagner Jr. and John Lindsay had done some good things for New York city(republican mayors.) More recently Ed Koch racked up this…”The Koch-era legacy is substantial. Experts cite the investment of billions of dollars in rebuilding abandoned housing, which revived desolate areas of the South Bronx, Harlem and central Brooklyn; the restoration of the city’s fiscal integrity to the point where banks and government watchdogs were ready to let it manage its own finances; the rehabilitation of neglected parks; the genesis of Times Square’s transformation from a sleazy, dangerous crossroads to a family friendly entertainment and office center; the trading in of federal money designated to build a new West Side Highway for money that would buy subway trains and buses; the pressure on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to virtually eliminate subway graffiti; and the enacting of a campaign finance law in 1988 under which candidates would limit their spending in exchange for receiving public matching funds.”

...No, the Republican party hit a land slide when Reagan crushed the unions for the benefit of big business and more….the party has never come back to the people but rather it’s forged ahead with crippling deregulation, banking for one, clearly in pursuit of gaining more money and power for the rich at the cost of the middle, working class. Now, I wouldn’t give a plug nickel for these money-grubbing cowards who clutch on to Trump’s invisible coattails regardless of the fact that he’s a madman.

Trump wears no clothes but the Republican Congress refuses to address the matter. What a load of crap.

Trump was taken to court over 3,500 times before he ran for office and sued 130 times since his inauguration.  How many times can one man be, ‘Not Guilty!’

Trump is accused by 16 women of initiating unwanted sex, peeping, leering, touch, grabbing and actually raping underage girls…’s all about him and his crimes. Still, the low life Republican Representatives refuse to unseat the man. Trump was right; he could shoot someone and these representatives still wouldn’t have the guts or brains enough to remove him from office.

The Republican congress is Pitiful. I think at this point even sinful.

The republicans in office now are just no good. They belong in the toilet.

I never thought I’d see the day when an entire Republican party would saunter up to the money trough and wallow like pigs in mucky, one hundred percent poor policy decisions and bow to a madman…

I was so wrong.


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